
AU/FOCAC Assessment Report

ASCIR’s AU/FOCAC Assessment Report research analyzes Afro-Sino relations broadly based on the African Union’s Agenda 2063 (The Africa we Want) and the Beijing Action Plan which culminates into the Forum for China Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). We assess Africa’s 50-year development plan vis-à-vis Beijing’s rolling 3-year action plans meant to advance Afro-Sino relations.
The Center will produce annual sub-assessment reports and 3-year full assessment reports to be presented at FOCAC meetings. These assessment reports will inform and guide policy makers and stakeholders on Afro-Sino relations.

Three Pillars of Research

ASCIR will undertake research mainly in three focal areas; Environment, Education and Economy (Infrastructure/Trade/Investment) with Security and Migration being cross-cutting areas. The Center’s focus will be to assess Afro-Sino relations primarily in these areas and will prioritize these areas in all our research except in situations where specific decisions have been made to do otherwise.