Emerging Scholars’ Writing Workshop Outputs and Experiences
TOPIC: How Language Holds Back Chinese Migrants' Integration Into African Society
TOPIC: How Language Holds Back Chinese Migrants' Integration Into African Society
Sharing the China Experience- Opportunities and Challenges of Integrating into the Ghanaian Job Market Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_imnFEWmeTn2XkdqcFEwckA Lucy Anning (PhD) Lucy Anning (PhD) is an Industrial Economist and SMEs start up and development specialist. Dr Lucy Anning currently serves on part time with Ministry of Finance, Ghana (MOF). Dr Anning is also an adjunct […]
Kongamano Student Group in collaboration with the African Studies Center presents African Tea Time! An opportunity to learn and share about first-hand experiences on the African Continent. OPEN TO EVERYONE! CLICK HERE TO REGISTER Multi-African Countries Theme: Global China and U.S Strategic Interests in Africa Speaker: Arhin Acheampong, Deputy Director, Afro-Sino Center of International Relations […]
Theme: "Strengthening media focus on natural resources, environment, climate change and science: Challenges, Prospects and Way forward." Keynote Speaker: Professor Christopher Gordon. Founder and Former Director of the institute of Environment and Sanitation Studies (IESS) of the University of Ghana